Monday, August 11, 2008

Vegan Amenity Kit

I am often asked if we can customize kits. And I always answer - "if you have an occasion- we can make a kit!"

Recently, I was put to the test of how well we practice what we preach. A friend of mine asked if we could make up an Amenity Kit for his daughter's upcoming wedding. But this was to be no ordinary Amenity Kit, for the wedding was all VEGAN!!! So here is our first ( of many- we hope!!) Vegan Amenity Kit.

The Vegan kit contains bandages, tampons, maxi-pads, breath mints, hand lotion, hairspray, pain reliever alternative, and safety pins. All the items are Vegan. Each item is free of animal-based ingredients and has not been tested on animals. The items are in an wooden tray that is lined with 100% organic cotton.

1 comment:

d pacelli said...

Excellent post!! Excellent kit, too!!! A customized Vegan kit -- a wonderful idea, and an even better execution! The only thing harder: a Kosher Vegan kit... ummm... start thinking!! :)